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Prosthodontics Specialist in Kolkata

Prosthodontics - Quick Overview

At Tanishas Dental Wellness, we are dedicated to restoring your smile and beauty through advanced Prosthodontics teatment

Our experienced team understands the importance of a confident smile, we use advanced techniques for a comfortable and natural-looking result.

Prosthodontics focuses on crafting dentures, crowns, and bridges.

Dental implants provide a secure foundation for replacement teeth. Our skilled prosthodontist specialist ensures your smile not only looks beautiful but also functions seamlessly.

dental clinic services in south kolkata

Why Tanishas Dental Is The Best Prosthodontist Specialist In Kolkata?

At Tanishas Dental Wellness, we understand the significance of tailored prosthodontic treatment. Our specialized approach guarantees:

Experience the difference with us! Ready to claim your confident smile? Schedule an appointment today

Services Provided​

1. Full and Partial Dentures

Full and partial dentures play a vital role in restoring smiles and functionality for those with missing teeth. Whether you’ve lost a few teeth or need a complete set, our custom dentures at Tanishas Dental Wellness provide a comfortable and natural-looking solution.

Treatment Overview

Whether you are missing a few teeth or an entire arch, dentures are an effective solution that fits all your needs. Two types of dentures are designed to restore your smile- Full and Partial dentures.

Full Dentures are used when the entire arc of your upper or lower teeth is missing. On the other hand, Partial Dentures are recommended when only a few teeth are missing.

When It's Needed

  • Complete loss of teeth in an arch
  • Partial loss of teeth, leaving gaps
  • Restoring the ability to chew, speak, and smile confidently.
  • Shifting of remaining teeth and bone loss.

Benefits of Full and Partial Dentures

  • Replace missing teeth in an arch
  • Restore chewing and speaking ability
  • Enhances facial aesthetics
  • Fill the gaps and prevent teeth from suffering
Full and Partial Dentures


Full dentures are removable dental appliances that replace all the teeth in an arch, while partial dentures replace only a few missing teeth and are designed to blend in with your natural teeth.

The choice between full and partial dentures depends on the extent of tooth loss. If you are missing all teeth in one arch full dentures are recommended and for a few missing teeth partial dentures are recommended.

Both types of dentures are made to provide a comfortable and secure fit. But as partial dentures are anchored to existing teeth they feel more comfortable

Wearing partial dentures can lead to an increased accumulation of plaque around the abutment teeth, potentially causing tooth decay and gum disease. The abutment teeth and gums might undergo pressure and movement-related trauma due to the partial dentures. If an abutment tooth is lost, it may necessitate the creation of a new partial denture

Partial denture lifespan varies but  if it is well -maintained it usually lasts around 5-10 years.

2. Crowns and Bridges

When teeth are damaged or missing, Tanishas Dental Wellness offers the solution with crowns and bridges. Crowns protect and strengthen compromised teeth, while bridges replace missing ones, ensuring a complete and functional smile.

Treatment Overview

Dental Crowns are custom-made caps that fit over damaged or decayed teeth, offering protection, and an improved appearance. They’re perfect for teeth with significant restoration, root canal therapy, or damage.

Dental Bridges are designed to replace missing teeth, bridges consist of dental crowns on either side of the gap (abutment teeth) with artificial teeth (pontics) in between. This “bridge” restores your smile’s integrity and prevents adjacent teeth from shifting.

When It's Needed

  • Severe tooth decay or damage
  • After a root canal treatment
  • Misshapen, discoloured, or poorly aligned teeth.
  • Replacement of missing teeth

Benefits of Crowns and Bridge

  • Protect damaged or weakened teeth from further decay or fractures.
  • Improve the appearance of discoloured or misshapen teeth.
  • Bridges replace missing teeth, restoring proper biting and chewing functions.
  • Crowns and bridges can last many years with proper care
Crowns and Bridges ​


A Dental Bridge fills in the gap caused by one or more teeth, while a crown is a customized cap that is placed over a damaged or decayed tooth.

It depends on your specific dental needs. Crowns are used to restore individual damaged teeth, while bridges are an excellent solution for replacing one or more missing teeth.

The cost of a crown or a bridge can vary based on factors such as the materials used, the complexity of the procedure, and the number of teeth involved.

A bridge typically consists of two crowns, known as abutment crowns, which are placed on the teeth adjacent to the gap.

3. Night Guards for TMJ Disorder

Treatment Overview

Night guards offer a non-invasive solution for TMJ disorder. Custom-fitted to your teeth, these guards ease jaw tension, teeth grinding, and related discomfort. By providing a protective barrier, they promote relaxation and alleviate pain, helping you wake up feeling refreshed and free from TMJ symptoms.

When It's Needed

  • Frequent jaw pain or soreness upon waking up.
  • Chronic headaches or earaches related to jaw tension.
  • Difficulty opening or closing the mouth fully.
  • Grating or popping sounds when moving the jaw.
  • Bruxism-related tooth wear or fractures.
  • Disrupted sleep due to TMJ discomfort.

Benefits of Night Guards for TMJ Disorder

  • It helps alleviate pain by reducing clenching and grinding
  • Protects teeth from wear and tear
  • They help reduce jaw pain, headaches, and facial discomfort.
  • They protect dental restorations (crowns, veneers) from damage.
Night Guards for TMJ Disorder


A night guard also known as a dental mouthguard is the ideal solution for TMJ. It’s a custom-made oral appliance that prevents teeth grinding and clenching.

Getting used to a healthier bite takes time. Studies over six weeks show improvement, but full relief takes about three months.

A night guard, dental guard, bite guard, or stabilizing splint, is a dental device made of acrylic resin worn over the upper or lower teeth or both. Nightguards prevent teeth grinding and clenching or correct jaw misalignment.

4. Dental Implants

Regain your confident smile with our top-notch dental implant services. Our skilled team ensures a seamless procedure, giving you a natural look and feel that lasts. Say goodbye to gaps and hello to a dazzling smile!

Our dental implant treatment involves surgically placing artificial tooth roots that fuse with your jawbone, providing a sturdy foundation for replacement teeth.

What are the main types of dental implants?

The three main types of dental implants are endosteal implants, which are surgically placed into the jawbone; subperiosteal implants, positioned beneath the gum but above the jawbone; and zygomatic implants, anchored in the cheekbone for patients with insufficient jawbone density.

What are the 3 stages of dental implants?

  • Surgical Placement: The implant is surgically inserted into the jawbone, where it integrates with the bone over several months.
  • Abutment Placement: An abutment is attached to the implant, providing a foundation for the prosthetic tooth or crown.
  • Prosthetic Restoration: The final step involves attaching the artificial tooth or crown to the abutment, restoring full functionality and aesthetics.

When It's Needed

  • Replace missing teeth without affecting nearby ones.
  • Restore natural chewing function and speech clarity.
  • Prevent jawbone deterioration and maintain facial structure.
  • Provide stability and comfort for dentures.
  • Enhance smile aesthetics and overall self-confidence.

Benefits of dental implants

  • Restores chewing and speech
  • Restore overall aesthetics
  • Helps keep the jawbone from shrinking and prevents bone loss
Prosthodontics & Dental Implants


Dental implants typically last 20 years to a lifetime with proper care, making them a durable and reliable tooth replacement option.

Dental implant pain is generally mild and managed with local anaesthesia. Post-procedure discomfort can be eased with prescribed medication.

Absolutely. Dental implants offer a reliable, natural-looking solution for missing teeth, restoring function and confidence effectively.

The best age for dental implants is when jaw growth is complete, usually around 18, but suitability varies per individual.

5. Full Mouth Rehabilitation

A Full Mouth Rehabilitation is a multi-faceted dental procedure that focuses on restoring the overall health and appearance of your mouth. This dental treatment involves a combination of restorative and cosmetic procedures to address a range of dental problems.

Treatment Overview

Full Mouth Rehabilitation is a comprehensive treatment that aims to address various dental concerns and restore your smile’s health and beauty. This treatment is tailored to correct issues like afflicted teeth, missing teeth, and impaired teeth functions such as chewing and biting.

When It's Needed

  • Decayed teeth that cannot be restored with simple fillings.
  • When several teeth are missing, it affects speech and eating.
  • In cases of persistent teeth grinding that results in worn-down teeth.
  • When you seek to enhance the appearance of your smile for greater confidence.

Benefits of Full Mouth Rehabilitation

  • Enhanced oral health and hygiene
  • Restored aesthetics and smile confidence
  • Correction of bite and alignment issues
  • Relief from jaw pain and discomfort
Full Mouth Rehabilitation ​photo


Full Mouth Rehabilitation is a comprehensive dental treatment that restores teeth, function, and aesthetics for a healthier, confident smile.

Full Mouth Rehabilitation is needed for severe decay, multiple missing teeth, teeth grinding, chronic jaw pain, and aesthetic enhancements, ensuring optimal oral health and function.

Those with severe decay, multiple missing teeth, teeth grinding, chronic jaw pain, or aesthetic concerns benefit from full mouth rehabilitation.

Before & After

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